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Old 09-28-2008, 02:30 PM
Eulogy Eulogy is offline
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 5

[Eulogy H:15910/16575 M:1300/1300 S:5155/6268 E:7215/7283]

I don't run with spiritual judgement. I can't sustain it for longer than like 2 minutes and the rest of my pools suffer. From what I've been told, I need 25K spirit + maxxed wisdom w/ deific amelioration to sustain spiritual judgement as well as my spell-ups and everything. I also need 15K-20K endurance in order to lead with holy light, I assume that's if I'm 1 rounding the area or maybe sleeping ticks, I need to get more information on that. I remember as a wizard though, I could lead with rune-ring if I had around 7K mana/spirit and still keep my pools regen'd. I don't understand why you need a massive amount of pools to run good rates as a paladin, but the fact still remains that once you get those pools you run better than a lot of other classes.
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