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Old 08-29-2008, 10:43 PM
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Cayce Cayce is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 11

Originally Posted by Iron View Post
What about an area that has a large number of rooms with a small mob density (1 mob to 10 rooms) and high rate of mob movement?

If each mob had a large number of hps, say 200k+ (but not obscene like 1mil), fighting each one would take a minute or 2 to actually kill. Give them a high hit roll but low damage roll. That way they can hit and do damage, but not overly threatening, like avg 200/round. Would be challenging for someone with 10k hps, but not impossible, for someone with 50k ehh it might bang up their pets a little.

Give the mobs a high % chance (20-30) of loading salvage of any type (including a higher chance for the rarer scraps). Give the salvage fast decay rate (~10 minutes) so that you cannot sit around farming a bunch of salvage before turning it in. Maybe even (if possible), have an even higher salvage drop rate, but also have a high failure rate on turning it in such that you get more gold to offset the low ppm. Or have a type of salvage that is 100% failure on turn in. Sure you know that all you get for it is gold, but its a lot of gold at least.

Just have a fast repop rate (~15 minutes) on the zone so that it doesn't get emptied constantly.

Essentially you would trade off gold/exp for salvage (with possible offsets on the gold), while also making it very unrewarding to try to bot due to the low gpm and low/fast moving population density. It would reward those willing to put up with the headache of tracking down mobs, sitting through long ass fights, and running back and forth to town with higher than normal salvage.

I think if it could all be done, it could be fairly exciting just because you feel like you are getting rewarded often, even if the salvage turn in fails.

That to me is one of the things that is lacking at the higher end of the game. There is no sense of reward for 99.9% of the things that you do. Add 10 hps to 30k, yay. Spend an hour or 2 to get 1 extra point practiced in a skill, you don't notice any change. Give me the chance with every kill that I might get a "ooooohhh shiny", even if the fights are annoyingly long. Beats the kill 400 things, convert exp/gold, repeat any day, even if it is mostly illusion.
If there's Curator like mobs that jump you if you are grouped up, it could work. Otherwise an area with high % yield of salvage would just be group run.

And mobs should be able to kill you if you go AFK. Simple as that.

Pain's was a good move on the right direction. Mobs throwing all their stuff at you makes the area harder to bot.
Perhaps footpads there need crit wound? ^_^

Last edited by Cayce; 08-29-2008 at 10:45 PM.
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