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Old 05-01-2009, 02:40 PM
Iron Iron is offline
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 47
Default Ranks

Whole new topic, ranks.

When calculating ranks, the current calculations are fairly straight forward, but they don't really take into account how some things actually affect the character.

For example, I cannot use Spirit at all. Yet, if I train spirit up by 10k I still get 10k in ranks even though my character really didn't grow at all. The same can be said for all the pools other than health. Even when you can use the pool, there is a point for all classes where more becomes fairly irrelevant. Different classes use/benefit differently from different pools, but if you consider all 3, it basically averages out across all the classes.

When you compare 2 players, if player X has 30k more non-health pools than player Y and player X is 20K bigger in rank, which one is actually more trained, power wise? Player Y has 10k more in % and stats.

Why not have the non-health pools be added to rank at a 1/2 (or 1/5). That would be more reflective of the actual gains in character power and place more emphasis on %s and stats.

Just a thought.
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