Marauder Print
Written by Serenity   
Tuesday, 08 January 2008 18:24
The masters of chaos. Wherever turmoil and confusion reign supreme, you will find a Khehusod in the center of it all, reveling in the glorious madness. The dark warriors of the realm spend their existence learning nefarious arts that turn concentrated, precise combat into mind-twisting, crazed mayhem, thus tipping the scales in their favor. The Khehusod has such control over the chaos they create that they can turn even the most battle savvy nojohr into nothing more than a peasant with a pointed stick, waving frantically away as if it was the first time they had ever held a weapon. Darkness, disarray, and confusion - these are the weapons of the Khehusod, wielded like the sharpest of blades, and used to slice through the very fabric of logic and order, in the hopes of driving the world into pure, undisturbed chaos.
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