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chazzz 02-02-2010 06:08 AM

Newbie help?
I made an account recently I think it was last night, but I can't remember my characters name for the life of me... Is there any way to find that out? like send it to my email?

Serenity 02-02-2010 06:02 PM

an account on Nodeka?

Its a noob if you honestly can not remember the char and pass, 1st off get a grip and second off just make a new char.

chazzz 02-02-2010 11:21 PM

#1 I'm sorry if I offended you by calling a character an account....
#2 I have already tried over and over again to make a new character, it tells me that my i.p. is already connected, and to log in and then disconnect. which brings me back to square one.
#3 I can't remember my character because I was trying out a bunch of muds recently, and tried a bunch of different characters, with different names.
#4 I don't appreciate being insulted by an admin for asking an honest question, so I certainly will not be playing your mud if that's how admins treat people.

Serenity 02-03-2010 12:57 AM

I must say sorry I think... We have had so many spammers here of late with similar posts (eg. Hi I'm new here hope I posted in the right place blah blah blah ) that I have become overly jumpy and took you for another one. I did not expect to see a reply to the comment, we also had a char within game with the same name you have used here, who quit some time back.

Ok the reason you can not make a new char is that you will have quit the game out of a safe room, this means you are in effect COMMA with in game and will remain so until either you remember the login or there is a game reboot which will clear all such chars... good news there we are expecting one for new content within the next 7 days.

If you could remember where you were in the game or at least a partial name I could ask an Immortal to see if they can do anything in game, I can not I am only admin on here not in game.

chazzz 02-03-2010 03:42 AM

I appreciate the apology, and the useful information. Perhaps I will come back in a week or so and try to make a new char.

Serenity 02-03-2010 09:39 AM

There has now been a reboot, you should be able to create a new char.

Please remember if you are leaving the game, make sure you are in a (safe) room. This way even if you do not 'quit' in the correct way, maybe due to being force locked after a 'bot check' or taking part in a trial... once that lock drops your char will be disconnected.

Eternal1 02-04-2010 06:15 AM

lol, Serenity got PWNED by that noobie :)

to Chazz: Serenity is usually a very friendly and competent noobie helper....he just takes this all a bit too seriously and loses it sometimes =P

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