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Old 07-23-2009, 05:52 PM
UntamedFurby UntamedFurby is offline
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Within the Shadows
Posts: 10

Take all the Eq from the academy and put it in a bag so that the guides could give a new player a full set of EQ that will pretty much give them extra hp. When new you want Eq and know where to get exp/kill things after learning the game.

The quests get old real fast to try and do them all or even most at once. Especialy after going through the Fields.

Why doesn't the fields make any mention of the Academy which is below for exp? That is an overlooked place for new players to gain exp and learn their character some.

Far as rescue. I don't see why it would be an issue during invasion? If you are attacking more mobs than you can handle.. Solution, don't attack them. or stick to rune vs enhanced rune. You can always recall from a mob fight, unless the mob locks you .
I am a stalker of shadows, with fingers both quick and light. I am aware of the softest sounds and move even softer. My friends are none, my obligations are less. I tread with the scum of the earth. I am a thief, and it's a pleasure to meet you.
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