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Old 07-24-2009, 02:56 PM
UntamedFurby UntamedFurby is offline
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Within the Shadows
Posts: 10

Well, your mostly thinking about invasion. From another point of PK.. I don't want to flee and return to kill someone, only to have them rescued every single time.

Plus, it helps with the people with rescue triggers. Now it kind of forces them to pick and chose who they are gonna rescue and when. Also it seems some of the classes with rescue also have redirect.. So they could help someone in that manner also.

If rescue is adjusted. Maybe a new skill that can prevent a rescue?

Back to your invasion issue. Clear the rune. recall.. You still get very decent plats whether you kill the mob or not. Just get the runes cleared. If its about you are grouped and don't want a gang of mobs jumping you. Then, if you can't rescue, maybe if they recall and you hit their mob with one of your special skills/spells. Not sure if it will turn on you then or not. but that might work if it did.

I don't see it as a problem. Unless they are getting enhanced runes and banking on being rescued all the time. If you are taking that risk, then deal with it.
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