one of each?
ok that idea didn't work :P
"Vivec tells you --> Dev 5, Task 3, Witch 4, Goon 5, Warlock 7, Lumber 5, Mastiff 10, Butch 4, Wall-Basher 2"
[over] reaction [of the century, in the heat of passage of the reward-moment]:
"Vivec tells you, 'I quit'
Vivec tells you, 'I'm done'"
Okay so maybe the quest completion didn't come from one of each - maybe something similar? Like getting the most mobs from your quest rune? As in, there are 3 devourers in your room, and you got rune and all 3 jump you. And something similar with other runes?
The one I got the reward on, I think I had a situation like that at least 2 times.
OR lastly, maybe each time we participate in the event - there's some kind of internal counter going on? Count how many invasions you participate in and see what happens.