Thread: Changing Aug
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Old 09-02-2008, 05:15 AM
Odinn Odinn is offline
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Memphis
Posts: 93

Originally Posted by Iron View Post
There was a discussion on gossip about updating the augment system. Credit goes to Mage for the idea, I'm just posting it here because I thought it was significant enough to warrant further discussion.

The suggestion was to set the pools cap back to 50k, but leave the other benefits from augmenting (stat cap, practice cap, inventory). The thought being that it would help balance things out a bit and facilitate PK.

There would be a need to reimburse people for the loss. The obvious one is to reimburse plats (can't give back the countless hours). But other suggestions would be good (%plats + %sun stones to help augment more, etc).

So what do people think? I think it would probably be a good idea for the long term health of Nodeka, but being nowhere near augmenting myself, my opinion really doesn't mean anything at all. The people who have already augmented, particularly those who have augmented heavily, are the opinions that matter.

Good idea? Bad idea? If a good idea, what would be fair (and realistic) compensation? If a bad idea, well..... I guess it's just a bad idea.

Note: This isn't something that is in the works or that anyone is "lobbying" for. Nijlo stated, during the discussion, that he had no intention of doing anything to the aug system. I just wanted to see what peoples opinions were on the topic.
He actually said he will not remove the augment system. Eg, he wont remove augment completely- however he did not specify if he would change the system ( I'm willing to be he would ), just an FYI.
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