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Old 08-01-2009, 07:14 PM
Tomb Tomb is offline
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Default Bounties

Syveril says bounties is a lame excuse to pk. What do you think about that?
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Old 08-02-2009, 07:37 AM
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well plats aren't that enticing anymore for anyone to actually want to capture bounties. So i guess i can see why he sees it as an excuse.

Maybe if it reward renown (yeah it does from pk but not from the actual bounty reward) and RP.

just my opinion. i never bother doing bounties.

Last edited by grimm; 03-10-2011 at 02:51 AM.
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Old 08-03-2009, 01:45 AM
Rar Rar is offline
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Tomb - I think you're a little sore about being pk'd for collecting a bounty. I could be wrong, but the whole "hey Fenrir guess what Syveril said" approach on gossip gave me that impression. I'm sorry if I'm wrong, and I hope I am, because I always thought you were a pretty chill guy until then.

I don't know what Syveril was getting at specifically, nor how he said it or to whom, so I don't know if there was reason behind it or if it was disrespectful or if it was a joke or what. I do think bounties are a little messed, in the current implementation and the current environment. I'd guess that a pretty significant percentage of the current bounty collections are done by collusion, getting a friend to kill you to remove it and collect the platinum. I don't think that's the intent when Fenrir throws them out.

Heck, look at how you cleared your bounty on your head - you had your disciple kill you and collected it yourself. I uh, don't think that's really the intent.
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Old 08-03-2009, 06:25 PM
UntamedFurby UntamedFurby is offline
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Nodeka is a PK mud that frowns upon the killing part of PK..

Bounty system could work if you turn off auto-approve triggers. And manually approve people you know are gonna hunt and not split the bounty. Yes any bounty someone is willing to actually stop botting for, is normally just split between the hunter and killer. You are better off finding someone that possibly doesn't like the person and pay them directly and then watch the person die. That prevents them from seeing the bounty then recalling to clan hall or another safe and then taking offers to split the bounty and they will leave safe.

I'd like to see a high min bounty like 10-20K and players drop a head or ear, which would need to be turned into to claim a prize that can't be shared with the killed party, Maybe some practices or Affects. If the min bounty was 10K, I would see a max of 50 practices.. Maybe it scales up depending on how much the bount y is set at? same with renown. Long as the reward is much lower than what you could enhance for to prevent abuse.

Although I don't even see that enticing many people to stop botting to collect, unless it was an easy kill for them. The body parts would be a fun bragging item though.. Put a lifetime on them.. Some people would rather show off the collected items vs turning in for the reward.

Maybe the reward is random. with a like 1% or .5% chance of some big bonus. But again, something that can't be shared.

Loggin on is excuse enough to PK for me.
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Old 08-04-2009, 01:40 AM
Argh Argh is offline
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i do bounties...i really don't see why i shouldn't...for me, it's reason enough to kill someone...although personally, i wouldn't attack quite a number of people for one reason or another...i like them, i'd probably die, i've got better things to do, truce, etc...but in saying that, i think bounties like the ones thrown out by fenrir is a fun way to get pk going...and yes i still don't like the part where you can kill yourself to get the bounty on your head...i think that if someone gets bountied, they shouldn't be able to request for the bounty on their own head...
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Old 08-04-2009, 11:10 PM
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I like where furby is going with this. Plats reward don't cut it for incentives.

Bragging rights? seriously who cares.. well maybe some people. But i for one don't. But if you have something tangible to brag with - like what furby suggested a body-part of the kill. That'll be cool. which then ONLY the killer can hand in to like a bounty collector for pracs/rp/glacious or something. No plats as it is tradable thus -as furby suggested again remove people from just getting their friends to kill them or their pet to themself.

Maybe its still not possible to have a "bop" kinda eq on nodeka so seperate those two ideas and let it be 2 rewards in one.

i second furby's idea.
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Last edited by grimm; 03-10-2011 at 02:51 AM.
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Old 08-07-2009, 08:32 AM
Syveril Syveril is offline
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Originally Posted by Rar View Post
I don't know what Syveril was getting at specifically, nor how he said it or to whom, so I don't know if there was reason behind it or if it was disrespectful or if it was a joke or what. I do think bounties are a little messed, in the current implementation and the current environment. I'd guess that a pretty significant percentage of the current bounty collections are done by collusion, getting a friend to kill you to remove it and collect the platinum. I don't think that's the intent when Fenrir throws them out.
Well Tomb, let me start by saying I'm not trying to be rude or start trouble. I was just talking while pking but I think you've already figured out my meaning from the context. Let's review! You killed Bruno, so Kerlyn collected me and we went to attack you. As soon as we attacked, you say that you consider that an act of war, since you didn't have a bounty on you.

That is an incredible statement. You're still carrying a pk flag fresh from killing someone and you're somehow offended/surprised when his clan-members (and his big sister, no less) come and attack you? We made no complaint that you went around collecting bounties. But isn't it a little preposterous to expect not to be pked after pking other people?

It's not that I object to bounty-killing, but you understand that I had limited ability to expound on the topic at the time. My objection is to your expectation of immunity simply because you had collected your own bounty by dying to your pet.

So really, it's not that bounties are a lame excuse (although they sort of are). What I meant to say is that expecting no retaliation simply because you don't have a bounty is a bit much for me to swallow.

I am annoyed at the use of bounties atm. For the most part, bounties are not posted because someone wants someone killed by bounty hunters. Bounties are posted, and then the poster and his or her friends are approved, and then they go off and squish someone. All it's doing is adding spam and perhaps providing a veil of legitimacy to their aggression (I was just collecting the bounty!).

I'll admit that I sometimes approve myself and my clanmates when I post a bounty on someone. That's just ridiculous. If I'm going to attack someone and have my friends help me, I should just say so and not spam the world with bounty posts. I don't think a person should be able to approve themselves or anyone in their clan when they post a bounty.

Last edited by Syveril; 08-07-2009 at 08:45 AM. Reason: grammatical errors; preface
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Old 08-07-2009, 09:00 AM
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OK my 10c worth.
Lets forget the hows and whys Tomb removed his bounty, because thats something else.
Lets go over why PK and PK for bounties fails.
The previous post illustrates it in full, a clan member dies for the simple collection of a bounty posted by whoever (for sure was not one of Tomb's clan he's not in one) and then 2 other members of that clan hunt Tomb. Now I would say that action would have been understandable had there

A: Not been a bounty in place
B: Killed this person several times.
C: The person initialy killed did not
i Run off at the mouth on any channel
ii Initiate the combat and lose!
In short 1 simple PK turns into a clan war or single character beat down by multiple chars of the affected clans members.
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Old 08-07-2009, 04:39 PM
UntamedFurby UntamedFurby is offline
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Its a PK mud. You don't need a reason to PK someone.

There is no understandable reason for anything. If you kill someone and they don't like it, or their clan doesn't like it. Then expect some type of retaliation. And it may not always be against you..

Why join a PK mud if all you want is to bot in peace.
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