Originally Posted by Rar
Sure, just cook the output and spit it back out. For example, way back when I was building my list of full strings with escape sequences, I had an #alias that was something like:
#alias {capture}{#action {%0$$0%1}{#scr showString(%0$$0%1);#unaction {%0$$0%1}}
So if I were looking for the full ANSI string for say, Caller clan chat, I could type "capture Caller:". The next time a string with "Caller:" appeared, it would send that line to the showString function.
In the showString function, I would take the string passed to it, then do a simple search and replace of ASCII #27, which is the character used to initiate an escape sequence, to something readable (e.g. "<ESC>"). Then the function would spit that string back out for viewing. Since the escape char #27 was no longer present, the string would show with the code laid out - the color codes and such are treated as plain text since there's no esc char.
(There are other concerns that pop up in practical usage - for example, you'll need to do more replaces if semicolons are your client command delimiter, since many codes are of the form <ESC>#;##m. The above is the main gist of the solution, though.)
Thanks for the help Rar =)
I really don't get what you're saying. I think you're trying to make it capture the string before the colour code gets turned on. I could be WAY off tho. This is a little bit over my head tho. I will keep messing around with it to try and get it up and running. Thanks everyone for your help.