Item Durability
Maybe some of you will like this suggestion, but maybe some of you wont.
One thing that might help the economy on Nodeka a bit more and make the need for supply and demand a bit better is putting Item Durability on items. An item can have a max of X durability and over time the durability decreases. Once the durability of the item becomes 0, the item is considered to be broken and you no longer gain the stat bonuses of that item. To make use of that item again you need to goto the blacksmith and get the item repaired, and the cost of repair could depend on the value of the item. Where what I\'m talking about comes in, about leveling the economy for supply and demand, is that after so many repairs, the effectiveness of your item starts to fade, or in other words, the item starts loosing bonuses. I\'m not saying that item would be useless within a couple of weeks or something, i mean after about 8 months of use or so, the effectiveness of the item starts to fade gradually, and by that time the user should start looking for a replacement item. Doing this in collaboration with having SU weeks, could stabilize the economy so it doesn\'t flood it. Cause eventually the SUs would break and become useless. |