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Well, no one enjoys trash talking more than I do - but I guess there is a point when it's too much.
A lot of the problem has been that the point was never defined. So you had people enforcing the rule in strange ways, like Beorn freezing people who said 'man you were stupid to battle lock me' on the grounds that it was 'insulting a mentor'. Equally, some people would get frozen at some times for saying fag, gay, queer, etc., while others wouldn't get frozen at all. End of the day, rather than a subjective type of it's-okay-sometimes-but-not-always thing, I think a blanket ban is just easier to handle. -Vish. |
its been fun....
I sincerely hope the game continues and improves.... let me know if they lift the censorship....and come to their senses..... God bless you all ![]()
Courage is not the absence of fear, it is the strength to do what is right in the face of it. |
I agree with Eternal (ack!!!) on the offensive language rule. I understand the intent of it, to get rid of some of the harsh rhetoric that has been prevalent on the channels over the years. I think the real affect that it is having, and will continue to have, is to effectively silence gossip. I also think that it has really dampened the spirit of the relationship between the staff and the players.
For me, I work in a professional environment (slacks, button up shirt, etc). I have to apply the brain-mouth censor all day long. Even then, it isn't this strict. When I get home and I am playing a game with friends, I don't want to have to watch everything I say more strictly than when I am at work. I want to be able to relax and enjoy myself. No matter how professional you are, I seriously doubt anybody here has this strict of a brain-mouth filter when they are hanging out with their friends (staff included). Tonight, 2 people were silenced for 48 hours each for say "shit" once each. That is a lot harsh IMO. You are asking people to change the way they would normally speak to most anyone around them and then giving them the equivalent of 30 days in jail for jaywalking. Profanity and offensive are not equivalents. No, I don't think we need people with spewing things on gossip that would make George Carlin blush, but profanity is a common part of the American vernacular. But that isn't the end of it. It isn't the "7 words you cannot say on tv" or even the expanded 200 words. At this point, it feels a lot like if we started using replacement words (aka "frak" from the new Battlestar Galactica series) that those would also receive silencing. What I find more disturbing was that another player was briefly silenced for calling someone a "fruitcake". That sends a signal that you cannot joke with anybody and there can be no "smack talk". So now, we not only have to filter for profanity, but we can't say "you're an idiot" when someone gossips that they just attacked Sylvia by accident or some other stupid thing (and certainly not because you actually think they are an idiot). That slippery slope has become very steep indeed. I tend to be a fairly sarcastic person. In general, that could probably be called offensive, even if I am just joking around with people. After seeing someone get silenced for very minor "name calling", I toggled off all of my channels except clan and trial. I would rather not have to worry that something I might say in jest is going to get me silenced. Yes I know the irony of effectively silencing myself, but at least I can still speak on clan/group/tell. Nodeka is a game. It is a community. People on here are friends, some in real life. Most, as much as you can call someone from an online game a friend. I think that the majority (if not all) of our players these days are adults (at least in physical age). To me, it feels like the players are being looked upon and treated like a class full of students. About a 4th grade class at that, if calling someone a "fruitcake" is enough to receive punishment. By the PK nature of the game itself, the game is meant to be a bit harsh. We are being asked to run around killing each other on one hand, but act like diplomats trying to negotiate a treaty from a position of weakness on the other. As to the players relationship with the staff, considering that Rule #0 has been brought up almost every time I have seen an Imm on global channels recently, I don't feel comfortable saying much more than "thank you for the update/heal/sigil cit". I don't feel like I can give truly critical/negative feedback. I certainly don't feel like I can joke around with the Imms or just BS. It feels like a business relationship. One where any wrong thing said gets you fired. To be honest, at this point, I don't know if posting this message will get me silenced/frozen. It is rather disheartening that to even wonder that. There has been a noticeable degradation in the "community" feel of Nodeka. On the one hand, there has been much more interest in this board. Whim has his blog and is taking feedback and people are posting comments. I have seen the staff online and talking with the players more in the past month than in most of the past year, but the nature of that conversation has gone very cold, business like. Over the years, there have been some over the top players in regards to being abusive towards others via global channels and there probably has been too much vitriol and animosity in general. Recently, we had some players who crossed the line by any and all standards. I will give Nijlo mad props for the amount of patience and second chances he gave said players. I certainly wouldn't have. Giving out phone numbers, extreme personal attacks (including involving family members) and such is inexcusable (and as noted, illegal). The backlash from that though has swung the pendulum to the extreme in the opposite direction. Now it feels like everyone is walking on eggshells hoping not to get noticed. The community aspect of Nodeka is taking quite a hit. Players will always complain about balance. Players will take breaks, quit for various reasons etc. However, nobody wants to play a game that should be fun and relaxing and yet feel like they are walking on eggshells the whole time. That is neither fun nor relaxing. We could do with a lot less vitriol, but we don't need kids gloves either. There needs to be a balance in the middle. I really enjoy playing Nodeka. It is a great game. I know the staff have poured blood, sweat, and tears into it for years. I have a huge amount of respect for the amount of work, the programming talent, and the dedication for it that you all have had. It is quite an accomplishment and mad props for achieving all of it. I know that it is your "baby" and I fully understand wanting to protect it. However, part of what makes Nodeka great is the players and the community. Part of that community has always been the close relationship between the players and the staff. If the players cannot be themselves with each other and the staff (within boundaries of a civil society), then the community aspect of it is going to slowly die. Without the community, Nodeka is just another game... a brilliant coding experiment. Iron |
I agree with everything Iron said......
and he is totally KOS when I get back! ![]()
Courage is not the absence of fear, it is the strength to do what is right in the face of it. |
While I completely agree with all that Iron has just said, and in a great deal the staff has to see it has hurt the Staff/Game/Players as well, Not only has someone made a fool of himself to the rest of the mud, but has harneshed the game completly by being disrespectfull to the people that created it for him to injoy.Which inturnd brought upon the recent updates that transpired. But... at the same time I have come to realize.. that we are ALL playing a [Free] game.. we dont pay for an account to play, and its a game that alot of people have takin advantge of at one point or another. It is something we all have to deal with and live with, to continue playing something we have all came to love over the years. I hope that one day soon with the hard work that the staff are doing, it will turn the mud around and bring back up the player base. So untill then, we just keep are hopes up and continue to play.
Enock. |
1) With regard to censorship of language. Yeah it seems a little harsh, but clearly there have been complaints. Most likely these complaints came from true "newbies" and they were turned off from the game. Also, many of the true newbies are younger players- there may have even been parental involvement. It sucks human waste from the rectal oriface, but you should be able to control your self.
2) It seems to me that while there are many areas for "medium to big" players and lots of changes that are keeping the game fun for me, it has made it much harder for true newbies to get started. I am not talking about an alt, but someone who doesn't know anything about anything. I have been playing around with some of the other classes and not letting anyone know who I am, and it sucks in the beginning with how "large" the mud has gotten and the relative lack of newbies. I have a few ideas to correct this: a) Have some newbie only areas with very high exp/gold rates compared to existing areas But you limit out of the zone fast (level 50, or level 99 mortal). b) I think that newbies should be give a set of equipment with a 30day life that would be consider decent "mortal" equipment. There could be a mini quest with the fields to obtain this armor x1. This way players can get started into the game and get playing. Lets face it with practices, and the size of players now.. newbies need an push to get started. B |
What say you? Do you think this "New Deal" is going to work? Or are we destined for failure? I am thinking failure is much more likely. I would like to hear your thoughts.
Berengei: Interesting point, but there's the possibility a bigger player will make an alt to get the "fantastic" rates. Unless the rates aren't that "great", in which case, they're right back to being behind the curve. Instead, I would prefer to see that maybe the mortals can do some mini-quests in these limited zones, and the mini-quests instead grant permanent increases(any of the 8 stats, perhaps 100 to each pool, even 5 practices). Nothing that a major would really want to bother with, but enough that a mortal could hit base 100s with say, 2-3k in all pools(perhaps each quest raises a single pool at a time, so a Ninja doesn't get mana and unintentionally increase their rank/target profile, for example) by the time they hit 100(or within 100 days, same as the PK protection).
Good idea fenulia, but with the invasion and karmova existing, it's not very difficult for a mortal to reach all base 100's within a week or two. Goons aren't that hard to kill, and a decent invasion will net 10k, which really helps the start part. This biggest problem with pracs is the high cost to train and the huge amount of plat required to get even to 150%. Giving a few extra pracs during the leveling part will probably help more.
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