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Old 07-22-2009, 03:18 AM
Fenulia Fenulia is offline
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Nod, I was just expanding on Berengei's suggestion. The invasion definitely helps(if people would stop attacking folks fighting ogres, and the newbie has the sense to flee to temple so others can help).
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Old 07-23-2009, 09:48 AM
Sutire Sutire is offline
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Default rescue prevent

I would like to see rescue prevent taken away. Make it like it used to be. Kinda hard helping out smaller characters on quests such as Goolms when the ancients aggro them 2 or 3 consecutive times. Even decent size players have trouble handling them and it sucks to watch someone get hit by the goolms (with them knowing you got rescue) and you can only rescue once.. Just make it how it was. i never saw the big issue wth it about making it on prevent. My opinion...
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Old 07-23-2009, 09:49 AM
Sutire Sutire is offline
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Default same thing, rescue

Ohh one more really bites whle doing invasions..i think some people would agree with me there..
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Old 07-23-2009, 05:52 PM
UntamedFurby UntamedFurby is offline
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Take all the Eq from the academy and put it in a bag so that the guides could give a new player a full set of EQ that will pretty much give them extra hp. When new you want Eq and know where to get exp/kill things after learning the game.

The quests get old real fast to try and do them all or even most at once. Especialy after going through the Fields.

Why doesn't the fields make any mention of the Academy which is below for exp? That is an overlooked place for new players to gain exp and learn their character some.

Far as rescue. I don't see why it would be an issue during invasion? If you are attacking more mobs than you can handle.. Solution, don't attack them. or stick to rune vs enhanced rune. You can always recall from a mob fight, unless the mob locks you .
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Old 07-23-2009, 11:33 PM
Sutire Sutire is offline
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Default rescue

well, on invasion quote, i kinda meant that if your grouped with a smaller clan member or someone else thats small, sometimes those witches that call the ogres in are annoying. i know you can recall. but then it slows the invaison kills down for that person, then having to wait it out or until someone kills it bites. just was putting my 1 cent in....

take rescue off prevent and bring it back the way it was.. thats all, despite what other reason to have it on prevent, my suggestion.
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Old 07-24-2009, 06:59 AM
Syveril Syveril is offline
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Default rescue

I think both rescue and redirect could stand to use a reduction in prevention time (maybe around half of what it currently is?). I think the strategic options in battle are on the low side, currently.

Also, rescue prevent should not be incurred when rescue fails due to battle lock.
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Old 07-24-2009, 02:56 PM
UntamedFurby UntamedFurby is offline
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Well, your mostly thinking about invasion. From another point of PK.. I don't want to flee and return to kill someone, only to have them rescued every single time.

Plus, it helps with the people with rescue triggers. Now it kind of forces them to pick and chose who they are gonna rescue and when. Also it seems some of the classes with rescue also have redirect.. So they could help someone in that manner also.

If rescue is adjusted. Maybe a new skill that can prevent a rescue?

Back to your invasion issue. Clear the rune. recall.. You still get very decent plats whether you kill the mob or not. Just get the runes cleared. If its about you are grouped and don't want a gang of mobs jumping you. Then, if you can't rescue, maybe if they recall and you hit their mob with one of your special skills/spells. Not sure if it will turn on you then or not. but that might work if it did.

I don't see it as a problem. Unless they are getting enhanced runes and banking on being rescued all the time. If you are taking that risk, then deal with it.
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Old 07-25-2009, 11:43 AM
Sutire Sutire is offline
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From another point of PK.. I don't want to flee and return to kill someone, only to have them rescued every single time.

so basically you don't want the prevent on rescue removed because it wouldn't benefit you or the class footpad?

and whats the point of having a skill that prevents someone to use rescue? besides, thees not alot of group pking going on anyways.

not tryin to go against you, just trying to figure out why that would be neccessary?
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Old 07-26-2009, 08:03 PM
Iblis Iblis is offline
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From the point of view of pk, the problem with an unprevented rescue is:

1. Combined with flanking, it allows heavy damage dealers to easily 'shuffle' behind a huge tank, and gain massive damage bonuses with ease.

2. For all classes WITHOUT redirect or directable damage spells/skills (i.e. iceblade, fireball, etc), it severely limits their options, which has been a constant problem ever since flee was changed.

Granted, the prevent on rescue limits its usage, but it is far from obsolete. In fact, with the addition of flanking, rescue is now more useful than ever - provided it is timed right.

I very much agree with Syveril though - the prevent for rescue shouldn't be incurred when it fails due to battle lock.

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Old 07-30-2009, 04:45 AM
Argh Argh is offline
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Default about allowing the rescuer to choose who he wants to rescue from as well?
for example...rescue iblis, rar...that would allow me to rescue iblis from rar instead of the current default least i think it makes sense tactically somewhat...of course if i just type "rescue iblis" then it'll just work the way it is right now...
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