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Old 08-27-2008, 05:52 PM
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Few like them, many hate them. Yester day we had a new players who 'threatened' to quit simply because he had a hard time with them. Would a more substancial reward help players see the 'benefit' in them? Im sure no one would mind a botcheck if they new 10 mil was waiting at the end of a right answer. This could be taken a step further to give out short duration buffs or affects. e.x 2x gold/xp for 3-5 mins, +5 on all stats and 500 to all pools. for 10 mins. etc.

Ive also noticed that although my gpm in fens is a bit lower than in other areas, the gnomes more than conpensate for the differance when I turn in my salvage packs. This is unique in the fact that more not so good areas can be run for decent rewards. (Am in no way saying that fens is not a good area) (its probly my lack of ability to run)
volcano review

Last edited by Sasuke; 01-21-2011 at 10:01 AM.
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Old 08-27-2008, 11:36 PM
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Cayce Cayce is offline
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Originally Posted by Sasuke View Post
more mid sized (like Fens) Salvage Areas!

Feline said sometin about haveing increased % for abilities on equipment and i thinks thats awesome! mabey decreased % also..
More midsize salvage areas would increase the unbalance. As there's players that can actually make a good ppm and still be botting the materials.

More challenging, hard to bot areas would benefit the mud more.
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Old 08-29-2008, 06:26 PM
Iron Iron is offline
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Originally Posted by Cayce View Post
More midsize salvage areas would increase the unbalance. As there's players that can actually make a good ppm and still be botting the materials.

More challenging, hard to bot areas would benefit the mud more.
What about an area that has a large number of rooms with a small mob density (1 mob to 10 rooms) and high rate of mob movement?

If each mob had a large number of hps, say 200k+ (but not obscene like 1mil), fighting each one would take a minute or 2 to actually kill. Give them a high hit roll but low damage roll. That way they can hit and do damage, but not overly threatening, like avg 200/round. Would be challenging for someone with 10k hps, but not impossible, for someone with 50k ehh it might bang up their pets a little.

Give the mobs a high % chance (20-30) of loading salvage of any type (including a higher chance for the rarer scraps). Give the salvage fast decay rate (~10 minutes) so that you cannot sit around farming a bunch of salvage before turning it in. Maybe even (if possible), have an even higher salvage drop rate, but also have a high failure rate on turning it in such that you get more gold to offset the low ppm. Or have a type of salvage that is 100% failure on turn in. Sure you know that all you get for it is gold, but its a lot of gold at least.

Just have a fast repop rate (~15 minutes) on the zone so that it doesn't get emptied constantly.

Essentially you would trade off gold/exp for salvage (with possible offsets on the gold), while also making it very unrewarding to try to bot due to the low gpm and low/fast moving population density. It would reward those willing to put up with the headache of tracking down mobs, sitting through long ass fights, and running back and forth to town with higher than normal salvage.

I think if it could all be done, it could be fairly exciting just because you feel like you are getting rewarded often, even if the salvage turn in fails.

That to me is one of the things that is lacking at the higher end of the game. There is no sense of reward for 99.9% of the things that you do. Add 10 hps to 30k, yay. Spend an hour or 2 to get 1 extra point practiced in a skill, you don't notice any change. Give me the chance with every kill that I might get a "ooooohhh shiny", even if the fights are annoyingly long. Beats the kill 400 things, convert exp/gold, repeat any day, even if it is mostly illusion.
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Old 08-29-2008, 10:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Iron View Post
What about an area that has a large number of rooms with a small mob density (1 mob to 10 rooms) and high rate of mob movement?

If each mob had a large number of hps, say 200k+ (but not obscene like 1mil), fighting each one would take a minute or 2 to actually kill. Give them a high hit roll but low damage roll. That way they can hit and do damage, but not overly threatening, like avg 200/round. Would be challenging for someone with 10k hps, but not impossible, for someone with 50k ehh it might bang up their pets a little.

Give the mobs a high % chance (20-30) of loading salvage of any type (including a higher chance for the rarer scraps). Give the salvage fast decay rate (~10 minutes) so that you cannot sit around farming a bunch of salvage before turning it in. Maybe even (if possible), have an even higher salvage drop rate, but also have a high failure rate on turning it in such that you get more gold to offset the low ppm. Or have a type of salvage that is 100% failure on turn in. Sure you know that all you get for it is gold, but its a lot of gold at least.

Just have a fast repop rate (~15 minutes) on the zone so that it doesn't get emptied constantly.

Essentially you would trade off gold/exp for salvage (with possible offsets on the gold), while also making it very unrewarding to try to bot due to the low gpm and low/fast moving population density. It would reward those willing to put up with the headache of tracking down mobs, sitting through long ass fights, and running back and forth to town with higher than normal salvage.

I think if it could all be done, it could be fairly exciting just because you feel like you are getting rewarded often, even if the salvage turn in fails.

That to me is one of the things that is lacking at the higher end of the game. There is no sense of reward for 99.9% of the things that you do. Add 10 hps to 30k, yay. Spend an hour or 2 to get 1 extra point practiced in a skill, you don't notice any change. Give me the chance with every kill that I might get a "ooooohhh shiny", even if the fights are annoyingly long. Beats the kill 400 things, convert exp/gold, repeat any day, even if it is mostly illusion.
If there's Curator like mobs that jump you if you are grouped up, it could work. Otherwise an area with high % yield of salvage would just be group run.

And mobs should be able to kill you if you go AFK. Simple as that.

Pain's was a good move on the right direction. Mobs throwing all their stuff at you makes the area harder to bot.
Perhaps footpads there need crit wound? ^_^

Last edited by Cayce; 08-29-2008 at 10:45 PM.
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Old 08-30-2008, 03:27 PM
Iron Iron is offline
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I agree that having a serious danger element to it is good. The problem is, how do you scale it so that someone with 10k hps can at least do it, maybe very slowly, and yet still be challenging to someone with 50k hps. If you start at the 50k mark, those with 10/20/30k have no chance. If you start at 10k, then its not challenge for those with 50k. Crits are a good way to scale it. Is that the only way to find a sweet spot though?
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Old 08-31-2008, 09:24 PM
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weaker aggro mobs? stronger non-aggro mobs?
that way weaker players can hunt the weak ones and theres a good chance of getting overhelmed...

Last edited by Sasuke; 01-21-2011 at 10:02 AM.
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Old 09-02-2008, 12:14 AM
Eulogy Eulogy is offline
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My only suggestion is that healers get a buff. To my knowledge there are only a few healers that have played that class for a while. Everyone can talk all they want about well train pools and etc. But that's bullshit. A class shouldn't need 500 dexterity or 50K pools or skills above 150% in order to run worth something. My suggestion is that the healer base class get a damage/hit buff. Not an affect but the core class. I was running with Feline and she was landing 7-11 attacks in DS for fracturing to rupturing damage (when she had my +14 heroes). The rupturing wasn't happening often. I don't think it's her race or her eq. I honestly think that healers could use a base damage/hit buff.
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Old 09-02-2008, 03:13 AM
berengei berengei is offline
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Default Healer

It would be nice to have to use a healer to regain full health/stats after a death. This would significantly increase the importance of healers. Healers would get very good exp/gold from this skill. Without healer, it would take 24hrs to return to full strength.

I still think clans play a big role in pk. When i go to pk, i check morality and clan status. If immoral and not in a clan that goes apeshit or we have NAP with, they are eligable for pk in my book. Well this directs me to smaller players. Many small clans make these decisions easier (having 5 people chasing me much different than have a big clan after me).

More ideas to come, i will wait until these have been shot down before posting more
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Old 09-02-2008, 09:22 AM
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Originally Posted by berengei View Post
It would be nice to have to use a healer to regain full health/stats after a death. This would significantly increase the importance of healers. Healers would get very good exp/gold from this skill. Without healer, it would take 24hrs to return to full strength.

I still think clans play a big role in pk. When i go to pk, i check morality and clan status. If immoral and not in a clan that goes apeshit or we have NAP with, they are eligable for pk in my book. Well this directs me to smaller players. Many small clans make these decisions easier (having 5 people chasing me much different than have a big clan after me).

More ideas to come, i will wait until these have been shot down before posting more
Healers already get a full pools heal prevent. Also one of the best buffs available. Also they get an immortality buff.

Issue is not healers being so underpowered (Radial dajas run very decent rates, specially when their angel is up) but that there's so little areas where healers are really needed. On most games out there, healers are always welcome and invited to the best runs, 'cause those areas are impossible without a healer.

Game having no limits on players size and real death being so costly, healers play such a minor role atm. If there were areas where real death happens, and so hard a daja must always be on the group, they would be more appealing, at the same time the area should be really inviting (good gear, best salvage, excellent gold ??) for people to run it.

Storm Crystals don't breaking if you got the immortal affect from a healer would be a must.

Healers could get new and better buffs. And instead of a long prevent, a group affect with small duration and prevention (so healer should be always grouped), greater bless perhaps? a group buff for every stat (sharing the same prevention) ?

~ O
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Old 09-02-2008, 05:29 PM
Eulogy Eulogy is offline
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That would actually be a good incentive for people to go healer. My problem since returning to Nodeka though is the massive amount of pools needed to sustain anything anymore. If we were to do your idea Cayce, it would need to be more thought out. I like it, don't get me wrong but it needs some tweaking.

Would you want the zone to have mobs that take a group of 8 10-12 rounds to kill or would you let them be like 3 rounded? Would 1 healer be enough, would that healer need 50K mana/spirit to sustain healing or would you need 2 healers with moderate pools?

I really wish that Nodeka would get more simplistic. A player shouldn't need 40K pools to be decent. That's what attracted me to Nodeka in the first place, I could play for a couple of years and max stats with 10-20K health meant that you were good sized.

Marbles sold for 3K/$ and donations were like 1K/$. Now it's 4K/$ and 10K/$ during double sun stone. Marbles sell for 30K plat, 100K during SU week. That's insane. It continues to help the big get bigger and the small can't catch up unless they spend a year running plat to spend during 1 week.

It looks like crafting was a way to fix some of the things but I don't know how much of a difference it's made. People are buying marbles to SU their crafted gear to make them bigger. There's no areas that mortals can run to obtain salvage, and even if they did they can't get into AV to convert the salvage.

Maybe put let mortals be able to obtain salvage from places like ants, or kobolds, vestil, Tundra. Put salvage gnomes in KL for mortal access, it would give people an incentive to stay a mortal longer in order to build their chars, would give new players an incentive to stay around too.

I'd like to try and start thinking of things to do with new players and your mid-sized players now. I'm willing to put forth ideas, if they'll be taken seriously. I guess I'll see how this gets shot down first.
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