Update 5/21/2009: Massive size/alter attack types/Halwen fire... Monks & Witches |
Written by Serenity
Thursday, 21 May 2009 04:34 |
- Sigil Citadel team assignments are now rank-based. Moreover, you do not need to follow the Smokestone Arbiter to be assigned a team (it will happen automatically to everyone in the Sigil Cit), and once you are assigned a team you will be teleported to a specified room in your fortress where your team can group up if you wish.
- Sigil Citadel rewards increased slightly.
- Massive size is now a damage-cap effect. The massive size percentages on all races have been adjusted downwards (trolls have lost massive size, while black drakes and gargoyles have gained it).
- New player toggle: 'alter attack types'. This is on by default. When it is toggled off, a player's hand/weapon attacks will NOT be altered by any attack alteration effects (such as fire-based attacks). (Thus, druids and jakaen no longer invalidate races with elemental attacks.)
- Halwen fire attacks will no longer be suppressed by other attack alteration effects (such as fire-based attacks).
- Monks now gain a bare-hand damage bonus with mastery points in vicious fist beyond 100%. - Witches now gain a gold/xp bonus from the fireball spell, but at a lower rate than sorcerers.
Last Updated ( Thursday, 21 May 2009 23:00 )