Hobbit Print
Written by Serenity   
Monday, 07 January 2008 14:12
At one time the thieves in the land gathered together to fight off the Vl'lak Mercenaries which were invading Ruushi. Of these thieves, very few were not of the Hobbit race. Needless to say, Hobbits are quick fingered beings whose dexterity is unparalleled by any breed, animal or humanoid. Hobbits' increased natural dexterity and speed allow for increased attacking potency in battle.
It is rumored that Hobbits will hastily attack more effectively than the Elf, Drow, or Half-Elf combined. Gossip also leaves tails of Hobbits not Thieves or Mercenaries attaining some sort of critical attack, but none of this hearsay has been verified as only bodies have been strewn in the path of the vicious Hobbits who once traveled there. Know this, a Hobbit may lack greater strength in combat, but they will almost always hit their target. The Hobbit advances fairly quickly, first into a Stoor, and eventually aspire to be Thain.
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Last Updated ( Tuesday, 08 January 2008 20:14 )