Jadior Print
Written by Serenity   
Tuesday, 08 January 2008 02:28

The jadior are beings endowed with a magical, light based energy. This light outlines their entire bodies and also gives them some distinct advantages and disadvantages.

Due to the jadior's magical, light based energy they have enhanced strength and do exceptionally enhanced damage in combat. The jadior also possess great wisdom. Some argue their wisdom is what has allowed them to empower themselves with their light based energy.

However, the jadior's lifeline is tied to their light energy. Because of this, even the slightest damage to their light-based outline on their physical body is greatly magnified. This is perhaps the jadior's greatest weakness - they do not excel well in combat without the aid of someone (or something) protecting them from incoming damage.

Through the jadior's light based energy, they can seek out individuals from afar and identify their current state (using the 'affects' command on targets outside of their current room).

Last, but not least, due to their magnified wisdom, the jadior adapt to combat quickly. With this they can sometimes prevent incoming attacks altogether. This power, however, is limited to being only effective on those the jadior is attacking. Incoming attacks from combanants the jadior is not directly attacking cannot be blocked by the jadiors combat methods.

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Last Updated ( Tuesday, 08 January 2008 20:30 )