Kedoeji Print
Written by Serenity   
Tuesday, 08 January 2008 02:37

The kedoeji are a humanoid race which has strong ties to the mystical. The kedoeji's magical understanding is spread over several areas of magic rather than being focused on one specific form of magic. These red-skinned, magical-eyed humanoids have innate arcane powers superseding most other races.

To begin, the kedoeji have strong magical sight which allows them to see multiple kinds of undetectable creatures. In addition to their magical sight, they possess magical regeneration, magical attacks and magical defenses.
Lastly, they possess magical visions which aid them in attacking with much more success than others. Some say the kedoejis' attacks are so willfully directed, they cannot be avoided.

A fast, agile and willful race, the kedoeji are a unique mystical breed.

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Last Updated ( Tuesday, 08 January 2008 20:39 )