Weretiger |
Written by Serenity | |||||
Tuesday, 08 January 2008 14:57 | |||||
The Weretiger is indeed a powerful race. Weretigers are an ancient breed of beings that were changelings formed permanently into a human-tiger variation. Although they lack many higher mental facilities that other races acquire, the tiger within promotes strength, speed, dexterity and agility. Arguably, the most agile of all the known races, the Weretiger can lash out many cunning strikes at once, while still remaining light-footed enough to avoid incoming attacks. Although they have obtained cat-like agility, they do show weakness in their mental prowess. This is most notably their one major drawback. It is rumored that the Weretigers are either allies or enemies of the Gargoyles. As the Gargoyles have vanished for sometime now, only those Weretigers of ancient descent know the true history behind these two archaic races. The Weretiger's life can spawn the title of Greater Weretiger, at first, and possibly, although very rarely, master its own race and claim throne to Weretiger Khan.
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