411 Server Downtime Print
Written by Nemesis   
Tuesday, 06 January 2009 22:03

Ok well, as you all may or may not know, the server that Tamrik has been running on has been up and down for the past week, more down than up I'm afraid... But it went down again today and won't be bringing it back up until I figure out why its going down.  Because of this, there has been a large service outtage for many things on 411.  The following options are nolonger available till the server can be fixed.

  • Tamrik nolonger  available.
  • UMC Nembot Subscription Validation nolonger available.
  • UMC ToolChest nolonger functional.
  • http://db.nodeka411.net nolonger functional.
So you guys will have to use the old items database until this issue can be fixed.  I've made backups of all the information, including the bot, so no worries there.  There server has been up since August 2007 with very little downtime which is a great feat for that little computer.  I believe it to be a hardware issue possibly related to memory or hard drive failure, but I hope I'm wrong.

In the meantime, I've updated Nembot and disabled the subscription validation. Nobody will be able to use the advanced features at the moment, which isn't really a big hit really.  Just a few minor annoyances, but at least its still functional.  You'll have to redownload the nembot plugin from the downloads section of this website.
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Last Updated ( Wednesday, 07 January 2009 07:37 )