Written by Odinn
Saturday, 06 June 2009 09:45 |
- Sweet new sorcerer spell (all tiers): magus war-shell. Shields up, captain! Magus war-shell:
Usage: cast 'magus war-shell' Usage: invoke 'magus war-shell'
Magus war-shell is a zmo fortification prevention ability. It cannot be used when you have a zmo fortification prevention active.
Magus war-shell is an on/off ability. Unlike normal prevention abilities, magus war-shell does NOT prevent you when cast or invoked, if it is not already active! Casting or invoking the spell when it is *already active* will dissolve the spell and incur the prevention.
The magus war-shell is a battle invocation developed by long-forgotten masters of the arcane in war-torn eras past. This spell raises an immobile hemisphere of protective energy from the ground, surrounding the sorcerer in all directions except for a narrow forward opening. Sketches and paintings from the era depict entire regiments of sorcerers, perched in stationary formations of shimmering war-shells like so many fiery turrets, raining death upon their enemies.
This war-shell provides the sorcerer with a lateral defense, helping to deflect close-range attacks that originate from any source other than the sorcerer's forward target (see 'help affect: lateral deterrence'). In addition, the war-shell provides a small regenerative benefit to the caster. Thus, the war-shell is best suited to defending the sorcerer from an onslaught of multiple attackers, but will be of some help in any combat situation.
Note that the war-shell is immobile - the sorcerer cannot move while it is active! Casting or invoking the spell again while it is already active will drop the war-shell so that the caster may move again (and will also incur the relevant prevention). There are many situations in which this can be a strong and unexpected disadvantage (for example, recalling into an anti-magic room with the shield up will leave you stuck until it falls naturally) - be very careful!
The effectiveness of the magus war-shell improves slowly with strength and constitution. Mastery in this ability beyond 100% has several benefits. The lower levels of mastery beyond 100% improve its prevention time; the moderate levels of mastery improve its effect; and all levels of mastery beyond 100% provide an increasing bonus benefit.