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Since my request for players to start a thread about what they like/dislike/want to change/etc about Nodeka has not be granted I decided I will try to get the ball rolling myself.
With the current implementations of Nodeka what would you like to see changed the most? Areas, skills, classes, races, quests, or anything else you can think of. Please post what you would like to see changed and give a good explanation as to why. Thanks ![]() |
He11o a11 :P
I think Nodeka is alright the way it is - I would like to see a larger pbase though! I think the trials and the race changes are really nice additions in the past few months. Praise to the staff for that. But as for things within the staff's immediate power, how do these sound: 1) A gambling/banking system - betting on trials or cits. Why? Fun-safe-addicting gambling! I'd like to see a debt system with this gamble setup too. And a loan system. The more you bet and take on debt, and meet obligations etc that should increase your limits to bet and suffer penalty. I think to restrict abuse, the best thing to do is require a minimum of 100k rank to take out loans etc - but not limit small players from betting etc :P 2) As for cits, my bias opinion is to not let people's group in battle cits :P If they want to group, go to a class with pets!! Nothing personal against anyone who groups or groups against me :P Flanking certainly accounts for my little tiny tiny small amount of OPness, as well as others! :P 3) I'd like to see my followers sustain 110% of the time!! JKN!! calm down 3) I'd like to see some more quests, that are similar to the trials, but A LOT harder and time-intensive [none of this 7 days kill 3000 mobs in a zone with only 125 mobs per 90 min repop <drop kicks that>]. More time, would give us another thing to keep us occupied on the side at our leisure! :P 4) How 'bout roaming pets - every class gets a random set of pets with various abilities. Why? To spy on people - and account for our own, if ya know what I mean!? The pets will have no power, just a little spy that can do limited things - as in, tell you when a zone repops, or track down NPCs only etc. 5) More crafting!! I'm sure Whim is already working hard on it :P Just sending him some love here <3 Thanks far the hard work! Ps feel free to comment and hate on this post! Don't be afraid to share your opinions no matter how silly you think it sounds. Let the spoken voice something something - ran out of metaphorical fanciness. Pss 11:11, 22, etc etc 'and things of this nature' |
Just some more ideas to tickle the thoughts of the staff:
6) Handicap Cit matches :P 7) Moral v Immoral Clit matches that either affects the trial score, or is independent of it :P 8) Gambling on 6 and 7! maybe a gambling pool to add on to the given 4 :P that is non-trainable with xp and plats, but rather grows on gambling activity. 9) More global events [ like the trial ] :P 10) A race ability or class that has an increased salvage drop rate ability :P but massive racial or other penalties ^^ 11) Free jewel fragment for trial winners!? |
12) Social trinkets: like flippable coins - or many sided dice [not just six] :P or maybe put races on the faces :P
13) When Karmova gives the eviscerator quest, how 'bout some free eyes for the badies for like 10 minutes!?! --- Here's some details on the morality cit: Morality Tag Team Citadel At least 4 participants necessary. Immoral v Moral Citadel Match [True Impartial gets the option of joining either team - or random placement]. Create an area for only 4 to enter at a time; as well as a waiting area. Two per team. If someone from team moral dies, queue into the area the next player on team moral [if there is one]. Same for team immoral. Allow the true impartial the option of being randomly queued to either team. Or committed to one side. The side that runs out of teammates, loses. Each person that enters this citadel pays a fee of 1000 platinum. The citadel will double the total platinum entered [moral+immoral entry fees]- and split that total amongst the winners. Create a weekly or monthly counter that tallies the wins of the respective morality team. Award a bonus affect to the winning morality. Any thoughts on this idea, I'd love to hear 'em! Peace :P Last edited by Tomb; 04-29-2009 at 06:00 PM. Reason: :) |
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I think damage shields need to be put on the normal damage scale. Currently NR/AC/Resistances play no part in the damage calculation. I cannot say anything about vulnerabilities or immunities as I don't play a class/race with those, but I would guess that they don't factor in either.
IMO these are highly unbalanced. Mainly there is the big division between those with evasion and those without. Those with evasion generally don't even seem to notice the shields (and ironically are mostly the same classes that have the most ways to naturally avoid shield... spells). For classes that do not have any damage component other than melee (a.k.a everything you do is subject to shields) the shields are a big "F*&# you" sign. Against very large mobs with shields, those classes are just screwed. Raise your hand if you have killed the Proginator in DS solo and didn't have evasion or offensive spells... how much health does it require? Taking 20k damage while assisting someone else who was tanking the Proginator tells me that it requires a boatload of health (ironically, that 20k was more than the person tanking took because they had evasion). From what I remember of the early days of Nodeka (feel free to correct me if I am wrong), the shields were implement this way because the discrepancies in melee damage between fighters and casters was significant, pools were quite small, and PvP was full damage. Casters couldn't get enough spells off to be able to keep up with melee damage in the very few rounds the fight lasted (thus the >100% change was originally implemented also). A lot has changed since then. PvP is 1/2 damage. Equipment was changed/reduced (not to mention SU and Crafted) so the discrepancies between fighter and caster melee is much smaller (if any in some cases), and people can get off 5+ spells in a single round in some cases (compared to 1/round in the old days). So much about the combat system has changed over the years. The damage balance switched from melee to spells years ago. Yet this aspect, which originally was needed for balance, has stayed exactly the same and causes imbalance in the opposite direction. There is no reason to keep the shields out of the normal combat system. From a purely logical perspective it doesn't make sense anyway. With resistances/NR you can take a fireball as if it were a candle flame, but hit a flame shield at sword's distance and you're burnt to a crisp??? A thoe with resist all takes the same damage from a flame shield as an Arctic Colossus with fire vulnerability??? Not asking to get rid of them entirely, just asking to have the normal damage calculations applied (AC/NR/Resistances/Vulnerabilities). |
good point Iron. I rely entirely on melee and shields, for lack of better words, rape me. I have trouble killing statues
![]() Ill work on ideas for Nodeka later Fenrir, thanks for asking us for input. |
All classes have evasion up to 50% now, based on con. :P That's hefty and annoying as hell.
Also, elemental-based attacks aren't subject to counters. And why do monks have evasion? Last edited by Grim; 04-30-2009 at 04:13 PM. |
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2) Elemental based attacks is basically just a few races. 3) If you really think the con based evasion is a sufficient balance, then let's take shields in the exact opposite direction. Make all damage (spells, elemental based attacks, etc) subject to shields, remove the ability of the actual evasion skill to evade shields, and leave it so that the only way for any damage to avoid them is based on the con bonus. If you don't think things are unbalanced, here is an example. The "Invincible Angel" trial. These have the strongest shields that I have seen. I don't bother with this quest because it takes a full hour to kill 13 of them. Of that full hour, about 45 minutes of it is spent at recall healing. Why? Because as a pure hitter, I take 15k in damage per kill.... 14k of that is from shields (yes I have actually taken the time to add it up). Other hitters have told me they take exactly the same thing, 15k/kill. It is basically guaranteed damage. I have seen casters run the same quest fully in less than 10 minutes. 6 to 1 time ratio simply because of shields. It is simple math though, if something has shields that on avg reflects 10% of the damage you do and it has 10x your health (or 20% and 5x or whatever).... there is no possible way to kill it 1 v 1. You cannot change your equipment to get better NR/AC, you cannot change tactics, you cannot increase/decrease the amount of damage you do, no matter what you do (short of massively increasing your health), you will do your health in damage to yourself trying to kill it (and that is ignoring it actually hitting back). Is there an equivalent going the other way? There are !magic rooms. A few in Everglades and 1/2 of Rumil. Yay!! All fairly low level content. Shields get applied to a lot of the higher level content (DS, hades, SH). Do you think the caster classes would raise hell if DS were made !magic instead of all shields? |
Iron, fyi, fighters as it stands now trump casters in every way except for spy and visit. You may not notice it because of your size, but if you see some of the crazy fighters running around, and watch some of them cit you'll see, casters need whatever means they can to survive. And yes that does mean counters.
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