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I wanted to introduce myself first and foremost. I am enjoying getting to know Nodeka and am nearly overwhelmed by the character development available! My question is, as a new character, should I be at all concerned with augmenting/enhancing/training or what have you? My impression is that most of that occurs when you reach the level 100 2nd remort stage and have nowhere else to go. I confess, I have been looking through the help files and doing the mejath quests and find it all a bit much. What would be the ideal character progression path? Should I be concerned with my attributes right now as a 28 level nobody? Would appreciate a little guidance! Thanks in advance! ![]() |
Hi and welcome. First and foremost enjoy the game and level up. Partake in the events and get to know people, then once you're level 300 you can worry about everything else. Train if you need to, or don't
Take solace in the dark, for the light brings truths untold. |
Char development is like life developement... its ALL personal choice.
What is now proved, was once imagined! |
Welcome, Astrikken! In general, it is "easiest" to simply shoot for level 100 major remort. If you have a lot of excess plat as you go along (for example, from participating in the Ruushi Invasion event), you could use that to boost a few stats along the way.
One benefit of becoming a major remort as soon as possible is crafted gear. Most of the best gear in the game is crafted gear, made by players who have levelled up their crafting abilities (which you can do as well as a major remort). These crafted items have a finite lifetime (a couple of months), but being able to wear them is a big game-changer. Once you're a major remort, you can worry about raising your stats to base 300s (it takes quite a while). You won't need to worry about augmenting for a very long time, as that's the end-stage of development. Quote:
I very much appreciate the response. I have been enjoying things so far.
General Question: I chose a warlock and am enjoying the class. I am however considering a switch to Nojohr. Is either one better/worse at running zones (better at PvE)? If the Nojohr is better, what would be a good race to combo up with? Appreciate the help as I get my bearings. |
nojohrs are more PvP oriented. As their high-end skills are targetted for single target fights then multiple consistent battles (as you would have in a pve). If that makes sense. But nojohrs have some skills that make up for this, such as battle initiative that gives you lagless initiation attacks that will help you take down mobs that you could kill in one blow and move to another in a flesh. I'd say you're better off as a warlock. But in no way let this affect your time on nodeka. Different people have different ideas of playing. Like to shoot time-warpping skills? warlock. Like pounding your victims head? ruanbaers. Like to be a mystical melee? nojohr. i'd say choose a class according to your playing style ![]() ________ Babi Mac Break Away Last edited by grimm; 03-10-2011 at 02:52 AM. |
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with enough practices, they probably hit harder than warlocks...but that's highly debatable...you'll take alot more damage as a nojohr too...but if you really want to, i'd suggest elven guard, veldruk, troll as races you could try...crimson draco doesn't look too bad either... personally though...i'd say stay a warlock :P |
Last question on this theme then.
Are there classes which tend to be better at one thing or another? Or is it really just a function of how long you have been able to enhance your character? If I wanted a class which was generally considered to be balanced for running and pvp without necessarily being the best at either, is there such a thing? I was looking at necromancers, which seem to have some intriguing skills. Where do they fit int? Are they pretty tough for a new guy to use? Thanks in advance for all of your wonderful responses. The community is most helpful. |
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well...some classes scale better than others with practices...warlocks and jakaens would probably be your best bet for running + pvp and warlocks are close to being the best at both!! so yeah...stay warlock :P necromancers are cool...but they hit as hard as a little girl...you have been warned :P |
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For instance, healers and dajas could keep someone alive longer than would a paladin. A poliir could tank fire damage better than a barbarian could. A hunter could find someone faster in an area than a ninja could. Necros could reduce the willpower of a PC than others could. Each class has their own unique traits, well sadly to say some of them have way OP unique traits in comparison with other classes. ________ Lincoln k-series history Last edited by grimm; 03-10-2011 at 02:52 AM. |
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