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 Update 5/21/2008: - More race makeovers. The following races have had their lineages revamped:   Gargoyle, Hobbit, Cloud Giant, Frost Giant, Black Drake, Blue Drake,   Red Drake.
Below is the majo...
   - Lady Kaz'thresh is now truly a lady, and not, in fact, a man.
 - The sliding scale system for the Trials of Karmova has been altered   in the following ways:      1. If the scale is centered (equal favor p...
 Update 5/8/2008: - Added 14 new potential Trials (1 mortal, 3 minor remort, 10 major). - Completing a Trial will now grant that player 20 minutes of forced   presence. This is to limit alt-juggling in the Trials...
 Update 5/8/2008:
 - New channel: morality (see 'help mtalk' for more details).
 - Ranking for moral, immoral and true impartial players now favors immoral   and true impartial. The reasons for this should be obvious; the m...
Added a new avatar system to the website that allows users to create their own customizable avatars. It's actually a really cool system cause there's tons of items one can buy from it to create their avatar. There's currently Chibi characters and Wor...
I've developed a two new plugins for UMC. First being the WinCap plugin that allows you to open up more output windows so you can further organize stuff that comes to you. You can catch events and output it directly to a window, or output stuff ther...
   - Maximum enhancable practices are now 500,000.
- New sorcerer skill: fire inspiration
Fire inspiration:Usage: automaticFire inspiration is an ability that is automatically applied to the user's fireball power. Once fire inspiration has been practiced, it is us...
I've just released a plugin for UMC called the Nodeka411 Tool Chest, its a compilation of useful features for accessing content on the site from within game by typing commands in the UMC command line.
Current Features:
 - Alteration to the overall rank system. Too much emphasis was on primary    stats, making players who had high primary stats but low pools on other   players rpable lists who were substantially larger than them. These   Â...
- Joufu's arc now has benefits for those who train beyond 100%. A unique algorithm has been implemented in joufu's arc which "spills" percentage bonuses over 100% across the affects of joufu's arc once an affect has reached...
Update 4/11/2008: - The call to Nahfiotos now has benefits for those who train beyond 100%. - Blue invocation now has benefits for those who train beyond 100%. There   are a number of benefits to weapon damage, h...
Update 4/10/2008: - Red drake race lineage now has the improved dodge racial affect. - Blue drake race lineage now has the combat initiative racial affect (can initiate or join battle with 0 trailing lag). ...
 Update 4/8/2008:
 - New remort monk ability: stance of symmetry
Stance of symmetry:
Usage: stance of symmetry (self-only)
Stance of symmetry is a balanced stance prevention ability.
I've just released a preliminary version of the new Nembot v1.0.0 for UMC. The new bot includes a GUI interface to allow for easy point and click configuration of the bot and has the basics for running, health monitoring, player skipping, ability to s...