- Clairvoyance is now a charge-based prevention. Additional practices beyond 100% will help to increase the amount of spying that can be done with clairvoyance (see the updated helpfile). Failures due to anti-spy will consume a charge (see below). - This is the first change being made to "spy" abilities; the other spy spells will soon follow suit. IMPORTANT: Once the spy spells are adjusted, I will be going back over the !spy races (Koj'ehr, Thoe, Svirfneblin, Dark Elf, Veldruk, Daimonikos) and reducing their !spy percentages. The reasoning is thus: the !spy races were our attempt at balancing out the power of spying, but I am uncomfortable with some of the effects resulting from 99%-100% !spy. With a fair charge- based system of spies in place, I can reduce !spy percentages to more reasonable levels and still have those abilities matter, as attempting to continually spy a !spy race will cost more charges in the long term than a race vulnerable to spies. (As beneficial side effects, astral travel will no longer be strikingly inferior to clairvoyance and shadow gaze, and no race will be completely unspyable.) In the end I'd like to see !spy races "cost more" to spy, in terms of charges, but not be completely unlocatable.
-- Help File -- Clairvoyance: Usage: clairvoyance <target> Clairvoyance is a charge based prevention ability. Charge based prevention abilities allow the user to use the prevention ability until the given number of charges is exhausted. Once these charges are exhausted, the user must wait for the prevention effect to fall before using the ability again. The power of clairvoyance is vast, and yet its visions can be both blessing and curse to those who have not mastered it. If one is clever enough, it is possible to find some meaning in the erratic and often painful images. Yet, be warned - some visions may prove to be so chaotic that they will physically throw the clairvoyant to the ground! A master clairvoyant of sufficient mental fortitude will learn to adapt, however, and will eventually receive visions of startling clarity. The prevention of clairvoyance may be lessened somewhat if the clairvoyant possesses a powerful constitution. Those clairvoyants who have exceeded 100% ability mastery have been known to enjoy greater access to this power as well.