- The experience cap is now 2 billion. This is a very delicate change. If you notice any bizarre behavior (e.g., negative experience), please contact the Nodeka staff immediately and we will resolve the problem as quickly as possible. We have done a full player file archive prior to making this change in the event there are needed reversals. - Rank is now visible in "who" to better determine who is the best match for your group. Special thanks to Eulogy coming up with the idea. - Important changes to heroic grouping: (1) The heroic grouping bonus exp algorithm has been changed. Heroic groupers get a lot more exp now. (2) A new bonus, called "continual heroic grouping", increments the heroic member's exp per kill. The longer you group, the bigger the bonus. It automatically fades after an hour, but allows you to switch groups as long as you remain the heroic member. It refreshes itself per kill, so as long as you don't take over an hour break from running, it'll always stay up. (3) It is only possible to gain a +50% heroic exp bonus per mob kill. So killing ants is not going to give you a +1 million continual grouping bonus. This was in place before, but I mention it now to dispel any ideas about flaws in the system in this manner. Full details are in 'help heroic grouping'. Heroic grouping: Heroic grouping is when you group with someone weaker than yourself. For each creature that you slay as a group you received a heroic grouping experience bonus. The heroic experience bonus is determined by the difference in power between yourself and your smaller group members. Only one player per group can receive a heroic grouping bonus: the highest ranking player of the group. Heroic grouping bonuses are determined by the ranking difference between the highest ranking player in the group and the next highest ranking player in the group. As such, the best heroic experience bonus comes from a high ranking player grouping with one (or many) low ranking players. In addition, for each creature slayed the heroic grouping member receives a +1 bonus to his or her heroes experience. This affect is shown in the players affect record and is received for each heroic grouping slay. The affects of this bonus only give an additional bonus when the heroic player is grouping with a smaller player and fade after one hour of non-activity. However, a heroic grouper can switch groups and retain this continual bonus, so long as a one hour duration does not pass between kills. For more information, see: help experience.