Update 5/21/2009: Massive size/alter attack types/Halwen fire... Monks & Witches |
Written by Serenity
Thursday, 21 May 2009 04:34 |
- Sigil Citadel team assignments are now rank-based. Moreover, you do not need to follow the Smokestone Arbiter to be assigned a team (it will happen automatically to everyone in the Sigil Cit), and once you are assigned a team you will be teleported to a specified room in your fortress where your team can group up if you wish.
- Sigil Citadel rewards increased slightly.
- Massive size is now a damage-cap effect. The massive size percentages on all races have been adjusted downwards (trolls have lost massive size, while black drakes and gargoyles have gained it).
- New player toggle: 'alter attack types'. This is on by default. When it is toggled off, a player's hand/weapon attacks will NOT be altered by any attack alteration effects (such as fire-based attacks). (Thus, druids and jakaen no longer invalidate races with elemental attacks.)
- Halwen fire attacks will no longer be suppressed by other attack alteration effects (such as fire-based attacks).
- Monks now gain a bare-hand damage bonus with mastery points in vicious fist beyond 100%. - Witches now gain a gold/xp bonus from the fireball spell, but at a lower rate than sorcerers.
Last Updated ( Thursday, 21 May 2009 23:00 )
Update 5/20/2009: Trial Change to Rule #10 |
Written by Serenity
Wednesday, 20 May 2009 14:03 |
- We are starting a trial period that relaxes rule #10 for clan and group channels. So, starting today, rule #10 does not apply to clan and group channels. This means you are free to use whatever language you prefer on these channels.
Keep in mind that rule #0 is still enforced on all channels. Please ensure that you are mindful of rule #0 at all times, even when trash talking amongst your friends on clan and group channels. We will be watching clan and group channels for violations and we will strictly enforce rule #0.
At the end of our trial period, we will evaluate the change and decide if it will be made permanent. If we find that the relaxation of rule #10 for clan and group channels leads to discourtesy behavior on other channels, such as tells, gossip and say, we will revert it. Therefore, if you would really like to be able to use non-PG-13 language on clan and group channels, we strongly encourage that you use this opportunity to demonstrate you can separate group/clan channel usage from other channels. By doing this, it'll demonstrate to us that this change can allow friendly banter amongst friends while keeping things respectful and courteous on other levels.
Update 5/19/2009: ruan strategy, berserkers focus, song of the trees |
Written by Serenity
Tuesday, 19 May 2009 03:43 |
- New barbarian (all tiers) skill: ruan strategy. - Berserker's focus now grants endurance in addition to NR. - Song of the trees now gains additional benefits beyond 100% mastery. - Various internal AI improvements for the upcoming PvP event area. - Updated the 'adaptation' command output, as well as 'help adaptation', to make its requirements clearer (you must have your answer set to 'ADAPTATION' or 'FREE ADAPTATION'.)
Last Updated ( Thursday, 21 May 2009 04:49 )
Update 5/18/2009: Rule Changes |
Written by Serenity
Monday, 18 May 2009 22:10 |
- IMPORTANT: 'help rules' has been updated, with changes to rules #0 and rule #10. What follows below is a simple summary; all players will be expected to read the actual rule updates and follow them. (To see Nodeka's current set of rules, type 'help rules' within the game.) - Rule #0 has been updated in several ways, including the severity of the offense and an explanation of where correspondence should be directed. Our core staff is nothing more than a bunch of good people, contributing their time and effort towards the implementation of an enjoyable game system for everyone. While the majority of our players have remained respectful and constructive in every respect, we can no longer tolerate the disruptive actions of the few who insist on belittling the staff and toeing the line at every opportunity. As such, we will be strictly enforcing rule #0 to ensure that the environment remains constructive and safe for both the players and the staff. - Rule #10 has been updated to disallow offensive language of any kind on any channel in Nodeka, be it public or private. Obviously, trash-talk and taunting will happen; however, as with any public establishment, visitors to Nodeka will be expected to maintain a certain level of civil decency for the good of the environment. - I'd like to sincerely thank all of the players for their understanding and cooperation. Change is always a bit of a pain. However, at this point, we need to solidly define the boundaries of our environment. Doing so will allow us to progress without constantly being set back by those who insist on effecting spiteful or unconstructive agendas (as evidenced by some of the recent petty, and illegal, activity that has distracted the staff and players from Nodeka's forward progress). As outlined in rule #0, please direct any concerns or correspondence to a staff member who is involved with mortal affairs. Note that Nijlo will no longer be involved with mortal affairs. Thanks again, folks. - Whim
Written by Serenity
Saturday, 16 May 2009 02:17 |
- Updated NaPali area with corrected typos. Thanks for the report ... ahh hell, I have no idea who emailed me since they didn't leave a name.
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