- New minor remort marauder skill: warp reality. - Stoicism is now cheaper, slightly more powerful at low to moderate mastery %s, and slightly less powerful at very high mastery %s. - Quickbolt - oe najk now has a reduced effect unless it is used within the druid's haven (in which case it retains full effect). - Windcoil's prevention is now halved within the druid's haven. - Winter storm of satio now has two modes of operation - the same damaging blasts at low satio, and an incapacitating function at high satio. See the help file for details. - More internal AI improvements for upcoming areas. Warp reality: Usage: warp reality Warp reality is a kyf naj'k prevention ability. Its prevention can only be reduced through increased intellect. Warp reality cannot be used in a safe room. The marauder's creed is a simple and elegant one - to rain chaos and confusion across the battlefield until there is no one left to hack at. The power to warp reality comes with disturbing ease to any marauder of significant ability; even impairments such as bash or temple touch cannot restrict the usage of warp reality. This ability manifests itself in two parts. First, warp reality will bend and twist the physical environment of the world itself. The room that this ability is used in becomes a stage of chaos, and movement through it is flipped around. This aspect is very short-lived - reality reasserts itself very quickly, and the environmental warping ceases at the very next tick. More than just the environment is affected, however. Each other entity that witnesses the warping, be it friend or foe, has a chance of being disoriented. Those who succumb will suffer a combat disadvantage for a duration dependent on the marauder's intellect. Moreover, the discord sown instills within the marauder a malicious glee, restoring an amount of mana, spirit, and endurance proportional to the number of beings affected.